
1. Someone is choking.
2. An elder fell down from stairs and broke his arm

英语 翻译"急救知识"人工呼吸”“动物咬伤”“紧急”

急救知识first aid knowledge "人工呼吸artificial breathing ”“动物咬伤bitten by animals ”“紧急emergency”


The announcement that England?s mad cow disease was involved in 10 cases
of a fatal human brain disorder has been met with understandable hysteria.The market for British beef collapsed,100,000 farmer?s jobs are in jeopardy,and the government is trying to defuse a crisis that could cause billions of dollars in loses.But what is striking about the situation is how sharply the decisive public reaction to the crisis contrasts with the cautious language in the
announcement.Scientists said consumption of contaminated beef was “the most
likely explanation” for 10 cases of a similar human illness called Creutzfeldt?Jakob diseas
e—nothing more definite than that.The crisis is a telling example of a phenomenon occurring ever more frequently: A complex scientific debate I suddenly thrust upon an anxious public that is ill?equipped to understand it.Instant communications,combined with the greater willingness of government and industry leaders to go public with their scientific disputes,trigger concern.The core of real science gets overwhelmed by a flurry of “junk science”—conflicting statements by politicians,confusing press reports,legal depositions,even dueling ads.The real problem is the nature of scientific inquiry,which inevitably involves uncertainty.Researchers cannot say conclusively whether mad cow disease poses a risk to humans.They don?t know the extent of the epidemic or how it can be stopped.Indeed,they can?t even agree on the cause.“This is tremendously difficult for the public to sort out.If scientists are disagreeing,what?s the citizen to presume?” asks Paul Slovic,an American psychologist at Decision Research in Eugene.One lesson to be drawn from the mad cow crisis is that government shouldnt cut funding for basic research,which can help prevent tomorrow?s crises.But the only real solution is for government and industry leaders to use scientific information responsibly.Unresolved scientific disputes have become a fact ofmodern life.Nothing else so clearly illustrates science?s limits.

1.The announcement indicating the connection between the mad cow disease and the fatal human brain disorder has brought about .
A) a drastic decline in beef consumption
B) unemployment of 100,000 farmers
C) the British government?s decisive action to prevent future crises
D) scientific disputes concerning the nature of Creutzfeldt?Jakob disease

2.We can infer from the passage that Creutzeldt?Jakob disease .
A) is an epidemic fatal to humans as well as to cattle
B) is caused by eating contaminated beef
C) is incurable but preventable
D) is still under scientific investigation
3.In the author?s opinion,which of the following should NOT be held responsible for the crisis?
A) Uncertainty of scientific inquiries.
B) Irresponsibility of government officials in using scientific information.
C) Misleading news reports written by journalists.
D) Advertisements competing for public attention and market.

4.Which of the following does the author regard as the most important in preventing future crises of this kind?
A) The government should give more money to basic research.
B) The public should not be officially given scientific information which might lead tconfusion.
C) Government and industry leaders should be more responsible in handling scientific information.
D) Scientists should settle their disputes before informing the public of their discoveries.
5.To the author,the way in which the public reacted to the announcement is .
A) incomprehensible B) ridiculous
C) justifiable D) illogical
1.defuse v.缓和,平息、减少危险性、紧张程度或敌对程度
2.Creutzfeldt?Jakob 克雅氏症
3.flurry n.骚动,混乱骚动或突然的爆发
4.deposition n.宣誓作证(尤指通过写下的证词或记录的形式作出的,今后在法庭上使用的证词)


第二段中这样一些信息是理解的关键:…the cautious language…consumption of
contaminated beef was “the most likely explanation” for …nothing more definit
e than that。依据这些线索可知文中未被提及选项A、C的内容;选项B的内容所给信息不符。故正确答案为D。

研究中是不可避免的(…the nature of scientific inquiry,which inevitably involves uncertainty…),而现代生活中总是存在着悬而未决的科学争论(…Unsolved scientific disputes have become a fact of modern life)。而此次危机的起因是政客和企业领
导急于公布没有定论的研究结果、混乱的新闻报道、法律证词、甚至相互竞争的广告等大量的伪科学(junk scientific)淹没了科学的真相(the core of real science)。由此可知,正确答案应为A。

most important),并且准确把握文中作者语气的轻重。But the only real solution is …之后才是问题的答案所在。

意在批评政府和企业界领袖在没有科学定论的情况下就把相互矛盾的信息公之于众的做法。全文中提供了许多线索表明作者对公众恐慌的理解,如understandable hysteria…tremendously difficult for the public to sort out.If scientists are
disagreeing,whats the citizen to presume? 由此可知,正确答案为C(justifiable,可理解的)。

Now and then,researchers retreat from the trackless jungle at the edge of knowledge and set up camp in more familiar territory.Such expeditions don ’t often yield surprises,but it’s always reassuring to know that the back yard looks much as we thought it did. Among those scientists were psychologists from the State University of the New York at Stony Brook.To prove their theory—that people are more likely to yell at a family member or a peer than a superior—they asked 100 college students to wear blood?pressure cuffs and to keep notes about when they got angry and what they did about it.The momentous conclusion: people tend to bottle up anger felt toward an authority figure,and are more likely to vent it instead at family members or friends.While these findings are far from earth?shattering,one researcher pointed out that nobody had ever looked at anger this way before.

Big words can make a self?evident result seem weightier.Psychologists at the National Institute for Healthcare Research in Maryland used this technique when they announced that when one person hurts another,forgiveness “isassociated with restored relational closeness following an interpersonal transgression.” Couples who have adopted the kiss?and?make?up strategy will no doubt be pleased to learn that there is now a sound scientific basis for their actions.Psychologists,however,aren?t the only ones taking pains to prove the obvious.Some boldly going where few have gone don?t always lead to radical conclusions.Over the years,researchers have set up weather?monitoring stations in remote areas of Antarctica.According to data from stations on the Ross Ice Shelf—where almost all those taking part in Robert Scott?s ill?fated South Pole expedition perished sometime between late February and mid?March of 1912—temperatures as low as those recorded in Scott?s journal have been documented only once in the past 15 years.This evidence led to one inexorable conclusion about what killed Scott and most of his party: it was the cold.

1.According to the author,the scientists who do researches in more familiar territory .

A) have confirmed what we have already known

B) have looked at things in new ways

C) have done some useless work

D) have had important discoveries by studying the obvious

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the psychologists at Stony Brook?

A) They have looked at anger in a unique way.

B) When people get angry,their blood pressure changes.

C) People tend to let off their grievance at home.

D) People are less likely to show their anger to their family members.

3.The psychologists in Maryland have proved that when one person hurts another, .

A) it is easier for them to make up if they have very close relations

B) it is easier for them to make up if they show their intimacy

C) they should find a sound scientific basis to make up

D) they should kiss each other to make it up

4.According to the research on the Ross Ice Shelf,Robert Scott?sexpedition failed because .

A) most of the expeditors couldn?t stand hardships

B) it was exceptionally cold on Antarctica that year

C) Robert Scott should not have chosen to go there in winter

D) Robert Scott did not pay much attention to the temperature record of An tarctica

5.It is implied in the passage that .

A) what scientists say is not necessarily important

B) bold researches would lead to radical conclusion

C) people should not bottle up their anger at their family member or friends

D) researchers should shift from the edge of knowledge to familiar fields


1.Now and then,researchers retreat from the trackless jungle at the edge of knowledge and set up camp in more familiar territory.此句中作者用了暗喻的手法,将知识的前沿比作荆棘密布的丛林,将人们熟知的领域比作宿营地。以此批评研究者为了获取研究成果,不愿探索新的科学领域,而谨慎地选择了所熟悉的领域,仅仅满足于一些对人类认知的进步毫无益处的所谓的科学发现。

2.momentous adj.重大的、重要的

3.…that when one person hurts another,forgiveness “is associated withrestored relational closeness following an interpersonal transgression.”当一个人伤害了另一个人,原谅与否取决于在双方发生冲突之后,是否恢复了以往的亲昵关系。

4.inexorable adj.无情的


1.C 在文章开头,作者就直接指出科研领域里的一个现象——研究者不去探索新的知识领域,而为了稳妥只研究一些熟悉的领域。对此作者认为这样的研究不会带来任何实际的好处(such expedition don?t often yield surprises…)。在这种意义上,这种研究是没有价值的研究。故C为正确答案。

2.D根据第二段中的研究结果可知正确答案为D。解题的关键是考生要准确理解…people tend to bottle up anger felt toward an authority figure,and are more likely to vent it instead at family members or friends一句的含义。此句中bottle up意为“控制”,vent意为“放出、排出、发泄(感情等)”。




Scientists have developed a slimming drug that successfully suppresses appetite and results in a dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects.

The drug interferes with appetite control and prevents the build?up of fatty tissue.More importantly,the drug appears to prevent a serious decline inmetabolic rate—causing tiredness and lethargy—which is typically associated with living on a starvation diet.As a result,mice taking the drug lost 45 percent more weight than mice fed the same amount of food,which compensate for the lack of food by becoming more sluggish.The scientists,from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,said that C75 is likely to produce a similar effect on humans because appetite control in the brain is thought to be based largely on the same chemical pathways as those in mice.“We are not claiming to have found the fabled weight?loss drug.What we have found,using C75,is a major pathway in the brain that the body usesnaturally in regulating appetite at least in mice,” said Francis Kuhajda,apathologist and senior team member.“We badly need effective drugs for weight loss.Obesity is a huge problem.We?re hoping to explore the possibilities of this new pathway,” he said.Discovering a biochemical pathway in the brain that controls appetite raises new prospects for developing slimming aids.Research on leptin,ahormone produced in fatty tissue for controlling fat deposits,has so far failed to produce the expected slimming drug breakthrough.The latest study,published in the journal Science,showed that even moderate doses of C75 produced a significant loss of appetite,which returned to normal after a few days.Human studies are being planned.

The scientists believe that C75,which they produced synthetically in the laboratory,binds to an enzyme called fatty acid sythase,which is involved in storing excess food intake as fat.Inhibiting the enzyme caused a build?up of achemical in the liver which acts as a precursor to fat deposition.This precursor is thought to have an indirect effect on the brain,causing appetite suppression.Normally,when animals fast,a hormone called neuropeptide Y increases sharply in the appetite?control centers of the brain,stimulating the desire for food.However,when animals are given C75,levels of this hormone fall,leading to a loss of interest in food.Dr Kuhajda said discovering that C75 has no effecon metabolic rate is one of the most significant findings of thestudy.“If you try to lose weight by starving,your metabolism slows down after a few days,”he said.“It?s a survival mechanism that sabotages many diets.We see this in fasting mice.Yet metabolic rate in the C75?treated mice doesn?t slow at all.”Further animals studies will be needed before C75 could be tested on humans.

1.Living on a starvation diet may result in .

A) a dramatic loss of weight without any ill effects

B) a long?term loss of interest in eating

C) a slowdown of fat deposition

D) fatigue and inactivity

2.The scientists from the Johns Hopkins University said that C75,the slimming drug proved effective in mice,is likely to work on humans because.

A) the chemical pathway responsible for appetite control in human is believed to be the same as that in mice

B) it is a major pathway in the brain which is activated to regulate appetite

C) it is especially effective in the battle against obesity

D) its effect has also been proved by human studies

3.Leptin .

A) refers to a new biochemical pathway in the brain that controls appetite

B) raises new prospects for developing slimming drugs

C) is a hormone produced in fatty tissue for controlling fat build?up

D) has turned to a breakthrough in the search for effective slimming drug

4.The newly?found slimming drug can successfully suppresses appetite because .

A) C75 made synthetically in the laboratory works effectively on human body

B) fatty acid sythase is involved in storing excess food intake as fat

C) C75 inhibits the activity of an enzyme called fatty acid sythase

D) it increases a hormone called neuropeptide Y in the appetite?control centers of the brain

5.What is the most remarkable about the new slimming drug C75?

A) It successfully suppresses appetite.

B) It encourages the scientists to study slimming drugs from new perspectives.

C) It generates a new hormone that may prove to be the key to overweight.

D) It doesn?t affect the metabolic rate,a survival mechanism in living beings.


1.lethargy n.无生气,无精打采,呆滞懒散

2.As a result,mice taking the drug lost 45 per cent more weight than micefed the same amount of food,which compensate for the lack of food by becoming more sluggish.这个句子的句型略为复杂,有一个表示比较的壮语从句,后又跟了一个非限定性的定语从句。可译为“结果,服用新型减肥药的小鼠与喂食相同数量的食物的小鼠相比,体重下降了45%以上。而后者变得更加懒怠,即以减少活动量来弥补食物的不足”。

3.obesity n.肥胖

4.The scientists believe that C?75?,which they produced synthetically in the lab oratory,binds to an enzyme called fatty acid sythase,which is involved in storing excess food intake as fat.这个句子分别在两个关键词后,用了非限定性的定语从句,来进一步解释说明。整句意为:科学家们相信,这种在实验室用合成方法制成的C?75会与成为“脂肪酸合酶”的生物酶结合。这种酶参与了把过量食物摄取转化脂肪的过程。

5.neuropeptide n.神经肽

6.sabotage v.对……采取破坏行动、防碍、破坏



文中第一段在介绍这种新型减肥药C75的特点时,将新药的特点与传统上通过节食减肥对代谢率的影响进行比较,指出由于后者使代谢速度减慢而引起疲劳、无力等症状。故正确答案为D。在解题时考生需注意文中more importantly这样强调语义的词和短语,并注意理解破折号(表示进一步解释说明)等标点符号的交际功能。


文章第二段开头便表明了人们可使用C75来减肥原因…that C75 is likely to produce a similar effect on humans because appetite control in the brain is thought to be based largely on the same chemical pathways as those in mice这正是选项A所表达的意思。C75是一种新型的减肥药,而非重要的化学路径,由此可排除选项B。目前关于这种新型药剂的效果的研究结果均来自动物实验结果,而人体实验正在计划当中。由此可排除C、D两个选项。






文中曾在第一段(More importantly,the drug appears to prevent a serious decline in metabolic rate…)和最后一段(…that C75 has no effect on metabolic rate is one of the most significant findings of the study.)中两次提到这种新型减肥药的独特之处,即对生命体的新陈代谢不产生影响。故正确答案为D。

Since 1975 advocates of humane treatment of animals have broadened their goals to oppose the use of animals for fur,leather,wool,and food.They have mouned protests against all forms of hunting and the trapping of animals in the wild.And they have joined environmentalists in urging protection of natural habitats from commercial or residential development.The occasion for these added emphases was the publication in 1975 of “Animal Liberation: A New Ethics
for Our Tr eatment of Animals” by Peter Singer,formerly a professor of philosophy at Oxford University in England.This book gave a new impetus to the animal rights movement. The post?1975 animal rights activists are far more vocal than their predecessors,and the organizations to which they belong are generally more radical.Many new organization are formed.The tactics of the activists are designed to catch the attention of the public.Since the mid?1980s there have been frequent newsreports about animal right organizations picketing stores that sell furs,haras
sing hunters in the wild,or breaking into laboratories to free animals.Some of the more extreme organizations advocate the use of assault,armed terrorism,and death threats to make their point. Aside from making isolated attacks on people who wear fur coats or trying to prevent hunters from killing animals,most of the organizations have directed their tactics at institutions.The results of the protests and other tactics have been mixed.Companies are reducing reliance on animal testing.Medical research has been somewhat curtailed by legal restrictions and the reluctance of younger workers to use animals in research.New tests have been developed to
replace the use of animals.Some well?known designers have stopped using fur.
While the general public tends to agree that animals should be treated humanely,most people are unlikely to give up eating meat or wearing goods made from leather and wool.Giving up genuine fur has become less of a problem,since fibers used to make fake fur such as the Japanese invention
