健康生活的好处作文? 健康的生活英语作文50字?






Do you have a healthy life? I have a healthy life.

Let me tell you about it. First I have a great eating habit. I eat vegetables and fruit every day and I drink yogurt twice a week .Although I like junk food very much I try to eat it once a week because it is bad for my health. And I also eat less meat. Then I hold on to playing sports every day. I jog 2 kilometers and jump 2 hours. Next I go to bed early and get up early. I keep sleeping for about 8 hours. Having a great eating habits and doing exercise can help me get good grades.

As you can see having a healthy life is important for everyone. Let’s have a healthy life style and lead a happy life.


健康的校园生活英语作文:“Healthy campus life ”






“你感到幸福过吗?那么,那种感觉是什么?”没错,幸福是一种感觉,一种很微妙的感觉。  小时候,单纯的我们以为七色花花瓣满足我们的愿望,阿拉丁神灯变出的魔法,就是幸福。  大点了,希望自己是睡美人,终会有一天,一个王子会把自己吻醒,过着幸福的生活,这就是幸福。  上小学高年级以后,以为成绩好了,受老师和同学们的尊重,这就是幸福。  ……   日复一日,我们所追求的幸福正在发生着天翻地覆的变化。那么,我的朋友“幸福究竟是什么?如何才能把握住幸福呢?”   张曼娟的《棉花糖保存的秘密》揭示了这个令人头痛的问题。  幸福就像是棉花糖,吞下去后便迅速溶解在了嘴里。我们是永远不能永久地保存着棉花糖并让它蓬松,甜蜜,有光泽的。  之前,我之所以说幸福是一种微妙的感觉,是因为,它如一条彩虹,是只能看见,而摸不着的,但这兵部代表它不存在。  幸福就像琴谱上的小蝌蚪,多的数也数不清,只是他们散落在人生的沙滩上,需要我们睁大眼睛仔细寻找,并放在一个小匣子里,珍藏起来。





How to live a healthy life?

A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

Make a healthy living plan for a week and try to hold on to it no matter what.


  I think healthy living habits are very important for us.

  In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit.First, we should eat plenty of fruits and meat or vegetables. We shouldnt eat too many snack foods.

  Second, we should drink plenty of water.

  Third, I think more meat and fish, leexercise are bad for health. Good rest, lemeat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health.

  Fourth,we should get up and go to bed early.We shouldnt stay up so late.

  In my oinpoin ,we should we must living habits


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.

To form a good habit, we can have good habits and bad habits: "early to bed, early to rise, make people healthy, rich and smart.". This is an old English proverb. It tells us that we must go to bed early and get up early.

If we do this every day, we will be healthy, rich and intelligent people. It is not good for them to go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. We must go to bed in the dark.

We must get up when it is dark. This is the time for exercise. If the body is not used, it will change If you want to keep healthy, our body is strong, you must form a good habit.


do you have a healthy life? i have a healthy life.

  let me tell you about it. first i have a great eating habit. i eat vegetables and fruit every day and i drink yogurt twice a week .

  although i like junk food very much i try to eat it once a week because it is bad for my health. and i also eat less meat.

  then i hold on to playing sports every day. i jog 2 kilometers and jump 2 hours. next i go to bed early and get up early.

  i keep sleeping for about 8 hours. having a great eating habits and doing exercise can help me get good grades.

  as you can see having a healthy life is important for everyone. let’s have a healthy life style and lead a happy life.


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