

When I was young,the body is not good at all,often catch a cold.Then I listen to my grandma said:'' exercise can make people healthy.''

  So I began to practice badminton,I practiced for several years,I in those years practice almost a cold,sick,no small trouble.

  I remember once,my mother and I play.The start of the match,a mother of a fly ball,let me be taken by surprise,the first round is completed,I temporarily behind.Second I adjust the good mentality,the mother's weakness,defeated the mother.

  After the game,I came back home the sequence of events listen to my father,her father laughed and said:'transport functions bring health and happiness,you know,you can grow up.

  Sports can bring people happiness and health.

  Please come here to participate in the movement!


Each of us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here are some ways to stay healthy.


Health and first aid

Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.

An unhealthy diet will nullify the effects of training.

There are obvious continuities between diet and health.

We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.

I need a book on first aid.

Have available and check all medical first-aid supplies.


If you ask me bout my favourite NBA player,the answer must be Michle Jordan 5 tears ago but now it changed to Yao Ming.

  The 2006-2007 regular season of NBA will start soon.As the center of Houston Rockets,the proud of our Chinese,Yao Ming is becoming more and more dominant in NBA,the first clabasketball league has came to much more highlighted.Especilly in China,all the Chinese basketball fans see the Rockets as their hometeam.I'm the super fan of it.And of course,fan of Yao.

  Several days ago,Yao twisted his ankle in the match VS Orlanto Magic.It really depressed me as the unending injuries had haunted the Rockets for the last whole season.I am so happy to know later that Yao is alright and will be healthy enough to face the challenges of new season.He is always performing like a gentleman no matter in the match or in daily life.I think he is a perfect delegate of China to the whole world.


one day,I walked in the street with my friend lily. suddenly, we saw a car knocked over a girl who was riding on her bike. The girl was hurt on the foot . what is worse, her foot was blooding. I took care of her and packed her wound with a dry and clean cloth. Then my friend called the imergance service center.

Fortunately, the girl was not hurt badly. She thanked us so much.


When I was young,the body is not good at all,often catch a cold.Then I listen to my grandma said:'' exercise can make people healthy.''

So I began to practice badminton,I practiced for several years,I in those years practice almost a cold,sick,no small trouble.

I remember once,my mother and I play.The start of the match,a mother of a fly ball,let me be taken by surprise,the first round is completed,I temporarily behind.Second I adjust the good mentality,the mother's weakness,defeated the mother.

After the game,I came back home the sequence of events listen to my father,her father laughed and said:'transport functions bring health and happiness,you know,you can grow up.

Sports can bring people happiness and health.

Please come here to participate in the movement!


Health and first aid

Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.

An unhealthy diet will nullify the effects of training.

There are obvious continuities between diet and health.

We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.

I need a book on first aid.

Have available and check all medical first-aid supplies.


On Personal Hygiene

There are things that you can do to keep your self healthy. For example, brush your teeth well, so your gums will be healthy and you may not get any cavity in your teeth; wash yourself regularly, so your skin will feel more comfortable and you will not get skin diseases so easy; wear clean clothes and shoes; do not eat food which is not clean; keep your house dry and clean, and free from flies, cockroaches, and ; mosquitoes; let your house get enough sunlight and fresh air. All these are part of your personal hygiene.

Even with this minimum level of hygiene you will reduce disease more effectively than a group of doctors


Campus security management

1, each semester start and end by the school administration, the general director of buildings, school, school equipment and so on a comprehensive examination, to the existence of hidden dangers to promptly eliminate, unable to solve problems to immediately report to the school study, and have the inspection records.

2, the general affairs office to ensure that classrooms, offices, laboratories and conference room glass, table and stool is complete, safety, on the property of each class to implement monthly inspection, to ensure all the normal education and teaching.

3, the gate guard to strictly enforce the "entrance guard system, strangers into the campus to register, usually not to pick up, waste collection people entering the campus at night to strengthen patrols, to ensure that losses from the school property.

Four, strengthen the canteen health and safety management, not to buy rotten moldy food, regular disinfection of tableware, utensils, there must be someone to lock the doors and windows.









Good health depends on good food, exercise and getting enough sleep. 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。(美国总统 富兰克林)

Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


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