注意饮食的英文短语 注意饮食的英文短语怎么写


I'm full.我抱了Help yourself to some bread.别客气,吃点面包吧Cheers.干杯refill 自来一杯


相关的:healthy diet (健康饮食)green food(绿色食品),health food(健康食品),genetically modified food(转基因食品)~


Falling in love因为这个短语通常用来形容一个人突然坠入爱河,感情很深,很浓烈。它也可以用来形容一件事物非常令人着迷,如在看一场电影或读一本书时,感觉自己完全陷进去了。这个短语还可以延伸到其他表示爱情的词汇和短语,如heart-throb,soulmate等。


Now that you have the chance这是英文翻译既然词性及解释 now that; since相关词条 既然这样 事实既然如此 now thatnow and then 不时,偶尔now that 既然of course 当然in as muchin arrears 拖欠in as much 既然in at one ear and out at the other ear 一耳进一耳出这就是你要的答案希望对你有帮助!


表示休息的英文短语有很多,如have a break, have a rest,take a break等.



一、基本解释 remind 英 [rɪˈmaɪnd] 美 [rɪˈmaɪnd] vt.提醒;使想起,使记起 二、相关短语 1、remind me 来提醒我 ; 智能提醒 ; 提醒我 ; 使我想起 2、Flash Remind 闪电提醒 ; 电提醒 3、remind our 提醒我们 4、Remind download 提醒下载 5、Remind memory 助记功能 6、Remind ourselves 告诫自己 7、Cancel remind 取消提醒 8、Remind him 提醒他 9、remind somebody 提醒某人


紧张 nervous 对感到紧张: be nervous about非常紧张: very nervous /pretty nervous例句:

1. 什么事情使她这样紧张?What's she so nervous about?

2. 战争结束了,紧张气氛缓和下来了。The war was over;the tension was relieved.

3. 她起初很紧张,但很快就镇静下来。She was nervous at first but soon composed herself.


remind of英 [riˈmaind ɔv] 美 [rɪˈmaɪnd ʌv] 就…提醒(某人);使(某人)想起…;指出

1. 就…提醒(某人) I've forgotten his name—will you remind me of it? 我忘记了他的名字——请提醒我一下好吗? He reminded me of visiting the park. 他提醒我已经参观过这个公园。 He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten. 亏他提醒我, 要不然我就忘了。 I was reminded of it once more. 有人又一次提醒我这件事。 She never liked to be reminded of the past. 她从来就不愿别人提起往事。

2. 使(某人)想起… Thanks for your gift—it will always remind me of you. 谢谢你们的礼物——它将使我经常想到你们。 It reminded me of the mistakes I had made before. 它使我想起了以前我犯的一些错误。 The film reminded him of what he had seen in Paris. 这部电影使他回想起在巴黎所看到的情况。1.I've forgotten his name—will you remind me of it? 我忘记了他的名字——请提醒我一下好吗? 2. The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust. 奥辛威茨集中营总是让世人想起大屠杀。

3. Thanks for your gift—it will always remind me of you. 谢谢你们的礼物——它将使我经常想到你们。

4. In case I forget, please remind me of my promise. 假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。

5. Beauty of autumn and autumnal winds.My time remind of a person.A girl. 美丽的秋天和秋风。我时刻想起一个人。一个女人。


try/do one's best,put one's heart on +doing/n,give sth my best shot,其实有很多,但是你们现在用的最多的还是try/do one's best,不懂继续问我


你好!画画draw 英[drɔ:] 美[drɔ] vt. 吸引; 绘画; 拖,拉; 招致; vt. 画; 吸引; 拉; vi. 汲取; 移动; 拔出剑; 皱缩; [例句]She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub她会坐在那儿用铅笔头画画。
