
health n.

1.健康 Smoking does harm to health.吸烟有损健康.

2.健康状况 She is in poor health.她身体不好.

3.祝健康的干杯 We all drank a health to the bride.我们都为新娘的健康干杯.

healthy adj.

1.健康的;健全的 The country's economy is not very healthy.该国的经济不很景气.

2.有益于健康的 That book is not healthy reading for a child.对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物.

3.看起来健康的 His cheeks have healthy glow.他的双颊有着健康的红晕.


for one's health 无偿的,不取报酬的

bring back to health恢复健康

broken in health身体搞垮,体弱多病

drink sb.'s health为...的健康干杯

drink a health to sb.为...的健康干杯

in a delicate state of health[婉]有喜,有孕

in good/bad health身体好/坏

inquire after sb.'s health问安,问候

not...for one's health不是闹着玩的,另有目的(He is not here for his health.他到这儿来另有目的.)

out of health (=in poor health)健康情况不佳

propose the health of sb.提议为某人健康干杯

recover /restore one's health恢复健康

To your health!(=Your good health!)(敬酒时用语)祝您健康!


healthy carrier 【医】健康带菌者

healthy condition健康情况

keep healthy 保持健康

healthy personality健康人格

healthy seedling健康苗

public healthy【法】公共卫生
