

    Hi! How are you recently? We have not met each other for quite a long time. How come I did not see you come to school to take your O level results? I have been worrying about you for few months. Besides this, the message I put on your Facebook's graffiti board you also did not reply. What happened to you? I saw your e-mail address on your Facebook's profile, so I decided to send a mail to you. Maybe I treated you like a complete stranger for the last three years, so I gave you an impression that I am a cold- blooded person. Then I suddenly asked you something, so you purposely ignored my message and do not want to talk to me anymore. I am now very sorry for the bad impression caused. This weekend are you free? I want to bring you to Great World city to have a dinner. It is a buffet restaurant and the food there is very delicious that you will regret if you do not go with me. Last but not least, I want to use this oppotunity to confess to you that I love you.
